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Ms. Filippovo Irina from Russia Demonstrated Her Psychic Diagnosis and Healing


Guigen Qigong

Practice & Teaching







     We didn’t know each other. Through the introduction of interpreter, we know that Ms. Filippovo Irina from Moscow, Russia, is a TCM Doctor, Naturopath and studied Shaolin Qigong before come Guigen Qigong. Then we began our daily practice.

    After half an hour of Guigen Qigong (the Dynamic) practicing, we began 1.5 hours of Guigen Meditating (the Static). Long time meditation was not easy work for new student or patient, but Irina took it at easy. After ending the exercises, Ms. Filippovo Irina gave every patient and  practitioner psychic diagnoses one by one.

    Dr. Huan is visiting scholar and he practices Guigen Meditation with other students and patients every day. Ms. Filippovo Irina tells Dr. Huan that he suffers from back pain, and would have headache in his future life, which are caused by dystocia (difficult labor). Yes, he suffers the back pain during the meditation, but it is much released now. The diagnoses are psychic reading and beyond physical world, which is confirmed by Huan’ inquiring his mother through a long-distance telephone call.

1. Dr. Filippovo Irina are practicing Guigen Qigong, the Dynamic. 

2, 3. Exchanging  practice experience with Japanese clients. 

4. Psychic reading discussion. 

                              ----- Aug., 1, 2005.  By Guigen 

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